Tara Schoenborn
5 Recommendations for Development Institutions Engaging with Angel Networks in Emerging Markets

November 2020 Kenyan entrepreneur Linus Wahome began working on ManPro, a digital construction management platform, in 2018. He bootstrapped the company for a year and successfully built a product, but still needed to address gaps in the product-market fit. He was almost out of resources to continue development when he met ViKtoria Business Angel Network […]
Advice from MBA Summer Interns Working in Impact
September 2020 CASE supports the Fuqua Summer Internship Fund (SIF), which enables students to learn about the rewards and challenges of social sector management without making a significant financial sacrifice, while simultaneously enabling organizations who otherwise could not afford MBA interns to benefit from their experience. This year, we asked some of the SIF interns […]
Announcing 2022 CASE Scholars
Our Class of 2022 CASE Scholars introduce themselves! Jenna Weinberg I believe strongly in harnessing the power of market forces to achieve equity and empower communities. In his “Gospel of Wealth,” Andrew Carnegie asserts that inequality is an inevitable cost of progress. I unequivocally reject this view, believing that we can no longer consider philanthropy […]
CASE Announces New Online Training Course in Impact Measurement and Management with UNDP

In June 2020, the Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE) at Duke University, with funding from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) SDG Impact, began developing a new online global course to teach investors and enterprises how to apply impact management practices to demonstrate their alignment with, and contribution to, the Sustainable Development […]
Bart Houlahan: Building a Movement to Drive Systems Change

At CASE, one of the trends that we are constantly talking about is the idea of systems change – addressing the root cause of social problems in order to fundamentally shift the components that are contributing to those problems. On this episode of CASE in Point, Bart Houlahan, the co-founder of B Lab, a nonprofit […]
Pivoting to Impact: Changing Sectors in Pursuit of Social Change

Tiffany Hsieh, Duke MBA class of 2018 and Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE) Scholar, always knew that she wanted to focus her career on ensuring equitable opportunities for others through education. What she didn’t know, however, is that she could take a number of different paths in a variety of sectors, such […]
Fuqua Class of 2012 Commits to Action & Raises over $10,000 for Racial Justice

As Dan Baum, a Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE) Fellow from the Duke MBA class of 2012, emailed with some of his fellow classmates to plan a virtual reunion, George Floyd was brutally killed, and their entire conversation shifted. Just as so many have reignited discussions about racial injustice and police brutality […]
3 Lessons we hope to learn through the F. M. Kirby Impact Prize
August 2020 As a research and education center based at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, the CASE team is always asking – what impact trends and insights can we surface and share with the field to improve practice? This mindset is exactly why we have been reflecting on what we can learn from our […]
Jordan Kassalow: Navigating Founder Transitions & Becoming a Systems Change Entrepreneur

By bringing together governments, corporations and nongovernmental organizations, Jordan Kassalow, founder of VisionSpring and co-founder of EYElliance, is working to change the system and increase access to eyeglasses to people around the world. On this episode of CASE in Point, he gives advice about how to deepen your understanding of the problem you are trying […]
CASE 2019-2020 Annual Report

We had another exciting year of impact at CASE! Read our 2019-2020 annual report to learn more about our accomplishments in our next gen, scaling and impact investing portfolios, as well as what we are looking forward to working on in the 2020-2021 academic year. Thank you to all of the donors, partners, advisory council […]