Scaling Readiness Diagnostic

CASE’s Scaling Readiness Diagnostic is the training plan you need to keep you focused and prepared for what’s ahead on your scaling journey. This free diagnostic tool provides you with significant insights into the seven critical elements for scale readiness. Spend less than 30 minutes answering questions in each of these seven areas, then immediately receive a results report that identifies your relative areas of strength and weakness, guides you on the most important next steps to improve your scaling strategy, and includes suggested resources to support your work.  The insights you gain from the Scaling Readiness Diagnostic will help you be more specific in your next funding asks and help you track and show traction to your stakeholders.

Download the Scaling Readiness Diagnostic (excel)

Who this is for: This tool is appropriate for nonprofit, for-profit, and hybrid social enterprises working in any geographic location. Organizations at any stage of development will benefit from identifying strengths and weaknesses, and seeing the next steps they can take to improve their readiness to scale.

How to use the diagnostic: The diagnostic asks you to assess your organization in seven categories key to successfully scaling your impact – impact, demand, ecosystem, strategy, finance, people, and operations. Answer a few questions in each of these categories, selecting the description that best reflects where your organization currently is in its journey. With each question, there is optional space to capture thoughts, questions, or other notes.

Results: After completing the full set of questions, the results tab will display areas of relative strength and weakness, a guide on the most important areas to focus on next, and resources to support your work.


  • We recommend having multiple stakeholders from your organization complete the diagnostic independently – staff, senior leaders, board members, funders, etc. Comparing responses will reveal areas of consensus and of disagreement that are useful to interrogate and understand better.
  • The diagnostic represents your organization at a specific moment in time. We recommend you revisit and repeat the diagnostic process over time, to gauge progress and identify new priority areas.