Scaling Impact
Impact Explained: Framework to Drive Impact

While some may cringe when we bring up “theory of change” or “logic model,” we find that it’s often the secret ingredient for driving impact … when used to its full potential! In this video in our Impact Explained series, we give three pieces of advice to use this powerful tool to identify and test […]
Using Data to Power Scale

Using Data to Power Scale discusses how social enterprises can use data to identify opportunities to innovate in order to achieve more impact at scale, and how enterprises can then use data to systematically test these innovations – including setting key success criteria alongside early indicators of success. Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity, […]
Financing New Approaches to Scale

Financing New Approaches to Scale discusses four common strategies social enterprises pursue to support the design and testing of innovations to support impact at scale. Meg Rudy of the DRK Foundation brings advice and perspective from the funder worldview, and Carter Clark of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Crescent Region (SC) shares hard […]
Creating an Innovation Culture to Drive Scale

Creating an Innovation Culture to Drive Scale offers key elements for leaders to consider in creating an enabling environment for innovation and managing people and culture through the design and execution of innovations. The session features a conversation with Maria Kim, President and CEO of venture philanthropy REDF, who shares her insights from decades of […]
Innovating to Scaled Impact

In Innovating to Scaled Impact CASE Executive Director Erin Worsham shares foundational concepts and considerations around innovation and scaling impact, and engages in conversation with Beth Anderson, Executive Director of the Hill Learning Center, on the realities of innovating to scaled impact within an educational nonprofit. Download our one-page summary of highlights from the session. […]
Scaling Readiness Diagnostic

CASE’s Scaling Readiness Diagnostic is the training plan you need to keep you focused and prepared for what’s ahead on your scaling journey. This free diagnostic tool provides you with significant insights into the seven critical elements for scale readiness. Spend less than 30 minutes answering questions in each of these seven areas, then immediately […]
Impact Explained: 4 Pathways to Impact at Scale

Taking a social or environmental solution from initial success to scale is a complicated journey, especially if you’re committed to scaling your IMPACT – and not just your organizational footprint. Through years of research, we at CASE see four main pathways that successful social enterprises pursue on the road to impact at scale, often in […]
Impact Explained: Scaling vs. Scaling IMPACT

What does SCALING mean when you’re talking about a solution to a social or environmental challenge, versus a more traditional market solution? At CASE we talk about SCALING your IMPACT, versus just scaling your organization’s size. In this short video we share what that means, how it’s different, and what it looks like in practice.
Why We Didn’t Fund Your Scaling Plan

In this December 2022 article in Stanford Social Innovation Review, authors Erin Worsham and Kimberly Bardy Langsam share a checklist to avoid common problems that funders have identified in evaluating applications.
4 Pathways to Impact at Scale

Pathways are the strategies that a nonprofit or for-profit social enterprise can pursue to scale impact. Each pathway — and the range of variations within — can help an enterprise think about its role in the ultimate solution as well as the implications on its operating model, funding, and more. This straightforward guide lays out […]