Social Entrepreneurship
Accelerating Impact Enterprises: How to Lock, Stock and Anchor Impact Enterprises for Maximum Impact

By Cathy Clark, Matthew H. Allen, Bonny Moellenbrock and Chinwe Onyeagoro As a potential extension of its pioneering work on impact investing, the Rockefeller Foundation commissioned us to be part of a global research consortium aiming to understand the needs of impact enterprises around the globe. One of the foundation’s initial questions was, if impact […]
Teaching Social Entrepreneurship: An Interview With Greg Dees

By Erin Worsham Greg Dees is often referred to as the “Father of Social Entrepreneurship Education.” Over the past 20 years, he has taught social entrepreneurship courses in some of the United States’ top business schools, including Harvard, Stanford, and now at Duke. As interest in social entrepreneurship skyrockets and more universities engage in social […]
Learning Laboratory

by J. Gregory Dees Social entrepreneurs bring private resources, ingenuity, determination, business skills, and, in some cases, deep local knowledge to the problems that hold societies back. They innovate, test, and refine new approaches. Their successes and failures, once identified, are a source of valuable information about what works and what doesn’t. These social endeavors […]
2011 CASE Leadership in Social Entrepreneurship Award: Antony Bugg-Levine

2011 Leadership in Social Entrepreneurship Award presentation to Antony Bugg-Levine, CEO of the Nonprofit Finance Fund Antony Bugg-Levine, CEO ofCASE is proud to announce the winner of our 2011 Leadership in Social Entrepreneurship Award: Antony Bugg-Levine, a leading figure in the emerging field of global impact investing. Antony Bugg-Levine, CEO of the Nonprofit Finance Fund […]
The Challenges of Creating Databases to Support Rigorous Research in Social Entrepreneurship

By Paul N. Bloom and Cathy Clark The purpose of this paper is to explore the challenges associated with trying to create databases that serious researchers would want to use to examine issues related to social entrepreneurship. Questions are raised about defining the units to be studied, determining what to measure, deciding where to obtain […]
Designing Your Business Model for Social Impact
By Cathy Clark and J. Gregory Dees From starting-up through scaling, social entrepreneurs are constantly redesigning their business models to increase their financial stability, efficiency and ultimate impact. Building on their global study of social entrepreneurial business models, the authors offer lessons about the best ways to navigate the redesign process. Successful change is less […]
Social Entrepreneurship: A Golden Opportunity for China to Show Global Leadership
By J. Gregory Dees Because China is a society in transition, it is well positioned to create a strong environment for social entrepreneurship. This will help China cross the bridge from rising prosperity towards more inclusive growth and greater harmony. The same drive, skills, and capabilities developed in the rapid economic expansion of the past […]
ChildFinance: Changing an Ecosystem to Achieve Social Impact
By Paul N. Bloom The idea of ChildFinance – offering children access to, and the capability to use, safe financial products and services – emerged from Jeroo Billimoria’s early experiences working with poor families in rural India and with “street” children in her hometown, Mumbai. She found that, contrary to what one might expect, the […]
Social Ventures as Learning Laboratories

By J. Gregory Dees In this article, Greg Dees argues that, in the wake of the financial crisis, we need “entrepreneurship that creates greater long-term value while drawing on fewer resources and generating fewer destructive consequences”. Financial pressures cause social problems to become even more pressing, and social entrepreneurs can help put us back on […]
2009 CASE Leadership in Social Entrepreneurship Award: Jacqueline Novogratz

The 2009 CASE Leadership in Social Entrepreneurship Award presentation to Jacqueline Novogratz, Founder and CEO of Acumen Fund