Tools & Resources

CASE has distilled years of research and experience into actionable, rigorous, and flexible tools and resources to help impact leaders access and apply the right lessons at the right time. Access our on-demand tools and resources below.

Online Tools

CASE Smart Impact Capital is a 9-module online toolkit that makes impact investment fundraising easier. Built for social entrepreneurs, accelerators, and educators, Smart Impact Capital trains users to effectively and efficiently pursue the right capital at the right time. The modules are easily accessible online, when you need them. Nearly 5,000 people have signed up for the toolkit and dozens of leading global accelerators and universities have incorporated the content into their programs.

Impact Measurement & Management for the SDGs is a free, self-paced course that has been accessed by tens of thousands of learners through Coursera. The course is organized around four key steps to align with emerging standards for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and learners will understand and apply IMM strategies from both the enterprise and investor perspective.  This free, globally accessible course was sponsored and co-developed with the UN Development Programme, and participants can post their certificate of completion directly to LinkedIn.

Resources on Scaling

CASE’s Scaling Readiness Diagnostic is the training tool you need to keep you focused and prepared for what’s ahead on your scaling journey. This free, diagnostic tool provides you with significant insights into the key impact, operational, and financial levers you will need to scale effectively. Spend less than 30 minutes answering questions in 7 critical areas for scale readiness, then immediately receive a results report that identifies your relative areas of strength and weakness, guides you on the most important next steps to improve your scaling strategy, and includes suggested resources to support your work.  The insights you gain from the Scaling Readiness Diagnostic will help you be more specific in your next funding asks and help you track and show traction to your stakeholders.

The Scaling Pathways research series was made possible by a partnership between the Skoll Foundation, USAID, and Mercy Corps. CASE was engaged by these partners to analyze and uncover lessons from their scaling portfolio. We interviewed social enterprise leaders to understand their experience and synthesize best practices in scaling, including strategies and tactics in choosing different pathways to scale, surprises and pivots in their journeys, and the greatest lessons from their successes – and failures – along the way.

The Scaling Pathways research series includes the Scaling Pathways paper, exploring the cross-cutting lessons and trends in pathways to scale, theme studies on critical elements for scale, and case studies of organizations sharing their journeys. Learn more and access resources from the Scaling Pathways series.

Resources on Acceleration

The Social Entrepreneurship Accelerator at Duke (SEAD) was a five-year accelerator program of Duke University that brought together interdisciplinary partners through a coordinated effort across the university and leveraged institutional relationships and networks to create an integrated global health social entrepreneurship hub. SEAD, in partnership with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the USAID Higher Education Solutions Network (HESN), mobilized a community of practitioners, investors, policymakers, faculty, staff, and students to identify, assess, help develop, build capacity of, and scale solutions, technologies, and business models for healthcare delivery and preventive services in developing countries around the world. Through this program, SEAD has capture lessons learned and policy implications to ensure that our work impacts both entrepreneurs on the ground and the broader development community. Find more on SEAD and all our publications related to acceleration and global health on the SEAD page.