diversity and inclusion
Creating a Truly Inclusive Workplace: Lessons from Sustainable Business and Social Impact Conference 2018
This post was written by David Claps, Fuqua Daytime Student and organizer of the Sustainable Business and Social Impact Conference, in February 2018. “Diversity, equity, and inclusion should be everyone’s job,” said Dwayne Marshall, Senior Director of Programs and Partnerships at Southeastern Council of Foundations and panelist on the Sustainable Business and Social Impact Conference […]
The Fierce Urgency of Now: Social Impact Leaders Speak Out on Charlottesville
August 2017 Last weekend, white supremacists descended upon the town of Charlottesville, holding a rally that turned violent and led to the death of three people and more than thirty injured. The events in Charlottesville are another example highlighting the work that still needs to be done for racial equity in this country. Leaders in […]
CASE Chat: Building a more inclusive social entrepreneurship space with Camelback Ventures’ Aaron Walker
July 2017 This month’s CASE Chat features Aaron Walker, Founder and CEO of Camelback Ventures. Camelback Ventures was started with the mission of connecting underrepresented minorities in the entrepreneurial space with the coaching, connections, and access to capital needed to succeed in their social ventures. Based in New Orleans, has helped over 30 social entrepreneurs […]
How Do We Erase the Lines of Divide? Hearing from Aaron Walker of Camelback Ventures
This post was written by Kylie Johnston, CASE Fellow, Co-President of the Net Impact Club, and Candidate for MBA, in May 2017. I am an Australian from a middle-income nuclear family of six. I went to a good Australian public high school, a great public university and have worked since I was fourteen and a […]