ESI Award Winner
2014 CASE Award Goes to Living Goods

March 2014 CASE is excited to announce the 2014 winner of the CASE Award for Enterprising Social Innovation (ESI), Living Goods! Living Goods is a fantastic social venture that empowers the poor through networks of ‘Avon-like’ micro-entrepreneurs who go door-to-door teaching families how to improve their health and wealth while selling a broad assortment of […]
Motorcycles, Africa, and Healthcare

This post was written by Nicole Hawkins, a rising second year student at Fuqua and a CASE Fellow in May 2013. What do motorcycles, Africa and healthcare have in common? The 2013 CASE Enterprising Social Innovation (ESI) Award winners, Riders for Health! Riders is a non-profit organization that manages and maintains motorcycles and vehicles for health-focused […]
2013 ESI Award: Riders for Health

March 2013 CASE is proud to announce the winner of our 2013 Enterprising Social Innovation Award: Riders for Health! Riders for Health is an international social enterprise that manages and maintains vehicles for health-focused partners in sub-Saharan Africa which enables health workers to deliver vital health care to rural communities on a reliable and cost-effective basis. […]