CASE Announces 4 Finalists for the F.M. Kirby Scaling Social Impact Prize

December 2022 From a pool of 180, four social enterprises stood out above the rest in this year’s competition for the Fred Morgan Kirby Prize for Scaling Social Impact, which CASE has the privilege to manage. One of these four will ultimately be awarded the prize – a $100,000 unrestricted grant to support their achievement of […]
2022 Launch Pad Award

Translating lived experience into innovation to increase access for food allergy consumers Eighty nine million Americans avoid buying at least one of the top-9 allergen food products. Of these 89 million, 25 million have a severe or moderate allergy, 7 million have a mild allergy, 32 million have food intolerances. Twenty-five million are indirect avoiders […]
Optimizing for Impact: Managing investments to meet goals for impact – and expectations of regulators

Originally posted 9.13.21 on ImpactAlpha. NEW: The United Nations Development Programme and CASE at Duke have released a free online training for global enterprises and investors on impact measurement and management for the SDGs. CASE and ImpactAlpha will launch Optimizing for Impact, a multiweek selection of lessons and video clips from the course. We’ll kick it off with […]