Meg Garlinghouse
The Power of Networks for Good at the 2018 Sustainable Business and Social Impact Conference
April 2018 Social networks can be powerful vehicles on the road to success. Today, most people define a social network by Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or any of the other apps we use to connect. However, social networks are so much more than these. They are vast and consist of anyone you can call on when […]
Reflections on the 2018 Sustainable Business and Social Impact Conference
April 2018, Josh Dixon of CASE In 1998, Greg Dees authored his influential work, “The Meaning of ‘Social Entrepreneurship,’” in which he described social entrepreneurs as, among other things, reformers and revolutionaries with a social mission. Four years later, in 2002, Dees helped co-found CASE at Duke. At this year’s Sustainable Business and Social Impact […]