Racial Equity
Fuqua Class of 2012 Commits to Action & Raises over $10,000 for Racial Justice

As Dan Baum, a Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE) Fellow from the Duke MBA class of 2012, emailed with some of his fellow classmates to plan a virtual reunion, George Floyd was brutally killed, and their entire conversation shifted. Just as so many have reignited discussions about racial injustice and police brutality […]
Daryn Dodson: Addressing Implicit Bias in Global Banking

At CASE, we have spent the better part of our year diving into the topic of diversity, equity, and inclusion as it pertains to our work and the greater field of social impact. In this episode of CASE in Point we talk with Daryn Dodson, a Duke alumnus, who shares insights from his work addressing […]