
Founded in 2005, the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation is an initiative to focus and expand the work on entrepreneurship and innovation at Fuqua.

Conducting world-class research and integrating it into our educational program is the hallmark of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Fuqua. The center contributes both to the advancement of knowledge and the practice of entrepreneurship.  We are helping to place Fuqua among a small handful of business schools known for research excellence and research-based education in entrepreneurship and innovation.


The mission of the center is to advance the scholarship, teaching, and practice of entrepreneurship and innovation.


The overarching goal of the center is to be, and to be recognized as, one of the premier institutions in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation. We are accomplishing this goal by leveraging three essential ingredients:

  • Duke’s position (both geographic and intellectual)
  • Strong student interest
  • Critical mass of research faculty (most of whom are recent additions to Fuqua)

The guiding vision of the center, and one which distinguishes it from entrepreneurship initiatives at most universities, consists of two core ideas: a strong, interdisciplinary  research foundation, and a multifaceted integration of research, teaching, and practice. This vision is articulated in a set of more concrete objectives that informs the center’s activities in the areas of research, teaching, and practice.