Chief Sustainability Officer

FedEx Corporation

As Chief Sustainability Officer for FedEx Corporation, Mitch Jackson leads the strategic direction and provides vision for all aspects of the company’s sustainability initiatives and environmental innovations and technologies.
A passionate ambassador for sustainable solutions that support the business objectives, Jackson envisioned and pioneered the implementation of hybrid vehicles in the FedEx fleet, and ultimately in commercial vehicles. Jackson was also instrumental in successfully securing first-ever national fuel economy standards and greenhouse gas requirements for commercial trucking. Under his influence and leadership, FedEx has taken a holistic approach to fleet management and fuel efficiency with a significant expansion in lower polluting, higher efficiency vehicles. Jackson was the key driver for the establishment of the first FedEx sustainability goals, and has responsibility for current and future goals.

With more than 20 years of experience in the transportation industry, Jackson joined FedEx in 1985.  He holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Memphis and a master’s degree in Operations Management from the University of Arkansas.