Alumni in NYC gather to talk climate tech, clean energy & sustainability

In July 2024, EDGE co-hosted an event in New York City to bring together alumni from eight top-tier business schools to discuss climate tech, clean energy, and sustainable business. MBA alumni from Fuqua, Harvard, Yale, MIT, UC-Berkeley, Stanford, Michigan, and Cornell met at the Yale Club for open networking and a chance to make new […]

What makes a transformative educational experience?

by Dan Vermeer, Associate Professor of the Practice and Executive Director, EDGE I’ve just returned from leading a new course on “Climate and Sustainability in the Nordic Countries” in Copenhagen, Denmark and in the Norwegian cities of Tromsø and Oslo. The 23 participating graduate students from Fuqua School of Business and Nicholas School of the […]

Five ways to launch your climate career in B-school

By Jessica Wingert, Associate Director and Program Lead, ClimateCAP Initiative It’s an exciting time to be getting an MBA, especially if you are passionate working on climate solutions. The beauty—and, admittedly, sometimes the challenge—of embarking on a climate career right now is the diversity of career opportunities available to students—from clean energy to sustainable agriculture, […]

Shifting the climate conversation from “billions” to “trillions”

by Dan Vermeer, Associate Professor of the Practice and Executive Director, EDGE On February 28, Duke will host the largest climate-related event ever convened at Fuqua School of Business.  We expect more than 500 public officials, business leaders, Duke faculty and students to attend this event, called “From Billions to Trillions: The Inflation Reduction Act […]

Balancing act: Navigating conflicting national and global interests in fighting carbon

By Kunj Chheda, MBA ’24 This article was written in response to a seminar given by Akash Patel, CFO of NET Power, in an EDGE Seminar at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business in Fall 2023. This article voices one student’s perspective and does not necessarily represent the views of either Duke University or the […]

Carbon accounting’s next phase: Reimagining carbon waste as an asset

By Andrew Shuffer, MBA ’25 This article was written in response to a seminar given by Trevor Best, Co-Founder & CEO, Syzygy Plasmonics, in an EDGE Seminar at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business in Fall 2023. This article voices one student’s perspective and does not necessarily represent the views of either Duke University or […]

Show me the money: Decarbonization and investment

by Dan Vermeer, Associate Professor of the Practice and Executive Director, EDGE Each year, the United Nations hosts the annual Conference of the Parties (COP) global summit, bringing together representatives from governments, civil society, the private sector, and the media to assess the current state of the climate. While I haven’t had the chance to […]

Our stake in the future of the Arctic

by Dan Vermeer, Associate Professor of the Practice and Executive Director, EDGE For most of us, the Arctic is a distant region of ice, polar bears, and scientific expeditions, but rarely a focus of our attention.  The extreme conditions and remoteness of the Arctic mean that few of us have any firsthand experience of the […]

Exploring sustainability connections in Scandinavia

by Dan Vermeer, Associate Professor of the Practice and Executive Director, EDGE Greetings from Copenhagen!  This month, I am traveling in Denmark and Norway to build EDGE’s network and prepare curriculum for a new course to be offered at Fuqua next year, “Climate and Sustainability in the Nordic Countries.” Scandinavia has established a reputation for its […]

Public funds should be spent on saving communities that consider Nantucket a home, not a vacation destination

By Tatiana Sokolova, MEM/MBA ’24 This article was written in response to a seminar given by Vincent Murphy, Coastal Resilience Coordinator, Town of Nantucket, MA, in an EDGE Seminar at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business in Spring 2023. This article voices one student’s perspective and does not necessarily represent the views of either Duke […]