What makes a transformative educational experience?

by Dan Vermeer, Associate Professor of the Practice and Executive Director, EDGE I’ve just returned from leading a new course on “Climate and Sustainability in the Nordic Countries” in Copenhagen, Denmark and in the Norwegian cities of Tromsø and Oslo. The 23 participating graduate students from Fuqua School of Business and Nicholas School of the […]

Our stake in the future of the Arctic

by Dan Vermeer, Associate Professor of the Practice and Executive Director, EDGE For most of us, the Arctic is a distant region of ice, polar bears, and scientific expeditions, but rarely a focus of our attention.  The extreme conditions and remoteness of the Arctic mean that few of us have any firsthand experience of the […]

Exploring sustainability connections in Scandinavia

by Dan Vermeer, Associate Professor of the Practice and Executive Director, EDGE Greetings from Copenhagen!  This month, I am traveling in Denmark and Norway to build EDGE’s network and prepare curriculum for a new course to be offered at Fuqua next year, “Climate and Sustainability in the Nordic Countries.” Scandinavia has established a reputation for its […]