Faculty Research

Many of the faculty at the Fuqua School of Business, and throughout Duke University, are recognized internationally as innovative thought leaders and researchers across the health care spectrum. In addition to Health Sector Management (HSM) and Fuqua, many hold appointments with the Duke schools of medicine, law, public policy, environment and engineering, and are affiliated with a variety of health-related organizations worldwide.

Peter Ubel: Using Copays to Promote High Value Care, Discourage Low Value Care

HSM and Fuqua School of Business professor Peter Ubel discusses the impact of a system that determines out-of-pocket expenses for patients based not on the cost of care, but on its value, defined as “health care outcomes achieved per dollar …

David Ridley: How Drug Market Share Varies with Entry Timing and Advertising

Fuqua professor and HSM Faculty Director David Ridley, along with coauthor Stephane Régnier, estimated how a drug’s peak market share depends on its promotional spending, its order of entry into the market, and its time to the market relative to …

Barak Richman: Cost, Medicare, and Alternative Payment Models

The authors, including HSM and Duke University Law School Professor Barak Richman, examined the impact of Alternative Payment Models (APMs) in Fee-for-Service Medicare as a way to reduce expenditures in dealing with the growing Medicare population. They focused on two …

Mark McClellan & Gregory Daniel: Off-Label Oncology Drugs and Evidence Development

Drs. Mark McClellan and Gregory Daniel of the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy describe ways to increase evidence development for off-label drugs in oncology. They outline two pathways by which evidence development has been explored, through the ASCO TAPUR study …

Bill Boulding & Richard Staelin: Financial Health Impacts on Quality of Patient Care

Fuqua’s Dean Bill Boulding, Professor Richard Staelin, alumni Matthew Manary and Seth Glickman studied the impact of a hospital’s financial health on quality of care. Currently, the US government penalizes lower-performing hospitals with lower reimbursements, which in turn could lead …

Barak Richman: Health Systems and Antitrust Policies

In this article, Duke Law and Fuqua Professor Barak D. Richman and coauthors discuss the court ruling that disallowed Partners Health Care in Suffolk County, MA from adding three additional providers to their health system. The publication explores the impact …

Peter Ubel: Improving the Design of Health Insurance Exchanges

Dr. Peter Ubel, HSM Associate Faculty Director, and colleagues discuss the impact of the layout of the online health insurance exchanges on consumer choices by employing behavioral science methods and design architecture. They argue that “powerful connotative labels” and tables …

Mark McClellan & Gregory Daniel: Innovation Metrics for Pharma Development

Drs. Mark McClellan and Gregory Daniel of the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy outline the development of a database that provides a more comprehensive, publicly-available measure of innovation. Currently, the most common metrics for innovation are development time, R&D spending, …

Mark McClellan & Gregory Daniel: Market Challenges for Antibiotic Development

Drs. Mark McClellan and Gregory Daniel of the Duke-Margolis Center of Health Policy address the need for new antibiotic drug development. While there is a huge need for innovation and research because bacterial strains grow resistant to drugs with time, …

Aaron Chatterji: The Market for Ideas in the Medical Device Industry

Fuqua professor Aaron Chatterji and colleague Kira Fabrizio studied the effect of the market for ideas, or collaborations between inventors and health care companies to develop new products, on the speed and direction of new innovation. Innovation typically does not …