Ready to make your investing Gender Smart? We can help.

Join us for Getting Gender Smart: Impact Investing with a Gender Lens in March 2019


Get Gender Smart with Cathy Clark and Suzanne Biegel

It’s impossible not to notice that society is grappling with issues related to gender and the unique experiences women face around the world at this time.  Thankfully, it’s not all bad news and hand-wringing – we’re seeing an acknowledgement of the amazing opportunity in front of us to develop strategies to further unlock the potential of women and girls. If you are looking for numbers to bolster this standpoint, consider the following:

To take advantage of these opportunities for economic growth and great gender equality, we need to use all the tools in our tool belt, and one of those tools is investment.

We’re happy to see that investors and philanthropists are increasingly considering how to integrate a gender lens into their investment strategy – whether this involves ensuring women have greater representation on boards and in leadership positions, bolstering female entrepreneurs, supporting products and services that better serve women and girls, or efforts to align with UN Sustainable Development Goal #5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

But how does one move from awareness of the potential of a gender lens investment approach to action?

In answer to that question, CASE is thrilled to announce a new 2-day intensive training for investors and their advisors as they navigate the world of gender lens investing.  Getting Gender Smart: Impact Investing with a Gender Lens is designed to help participants develop tangible strategies and practice to effectively integrate gender into all stages of their investment practice.  We are excited to host this training in March 2019 in beautiful Durham, North Carolina on Duke University campus.

The training is co-designed and co-led by CASE’s own faculty director, Cathy Clark, a global leader in the impact investing space, and Suzanne Biegel, one of the recognized pioneers on gender lens investing.  We’re thrilled our Getting Gender Smart training program will follow the Gender-Smart Investing Summit in London this November, where participants can develop relationships and participate in the global field-building around gender lens investing.  To carry that work forward, our Getting Gender Smart training will get practical and tactical for investors and advisors – delivering a curated set of tools, case studies, and resources so investors and advisors can apply a gender lens to their investment practice immediately.

Want to join us?  Find out more information about the training components and our esteemed program leads at  Sign up by October 31 to take advantage of deepest discounts on program registration.