Tag Archives: CASE

Students Innovate on Ebola

Recently, CASE – along with partners from SEAD, Duke I&E, DGHI, IPIHD, DIHI, & Sanford – launched a challenge to bring together interdisciplinary teams of students and expert judges around a critical real world problem: Ebola. 2014 has brought on the largest …

10 Years of Impact and Counting

After 10 years, our team at CASE is incredibly proud of our accomplishments and even more excited to look to the future.  Of course, none of this is possible without the support and partnership of so many in the field. …

Increasing my Impact with the Duke MBA

This post was written by second year Duke MBA, Julia Houlihan.  Julia’s post originally appeared on Fuqua’s “Daytime MBA Student Blog” which has lots of great posts about the Daytime MBA experience from the student perspective. In the past few …

Capital + Ideas + People + Timing = Social Change

Professor Cathy Clark gave this TED-style talk as part of CASE’s 10th anniversary celebration in December 2012.  To read more posts on CASE’s anniversary celebration, click here! How do social entrepreneurship and impact investing interrelate?  And what does that have …

The Challenges of Global Health

Dr. Krishna Udayakumar gave this TED-style talk as part of CASE’s 10th anniversary celebration in December 2012.  To read more posts on CASE’s anniversary celebration, click here! “If you are born in some places in sub-saharan Africa, you can expect …

Toward an Open-Solution Society

Professor Greg Dees gave this TED-style talk as part of CASE’s 10th anniversary celebration in December 2012.  To read more posts on CASE’s anniversary celebration, click here! Why should we care about social entrepreneurship? Why does it matter? According to CASE …

Seeking Clarity

Rachel Lichte is a current student at Duke, pursuing her joint MBA/MEM (Master of Environmental Management) degree. She gave this TED-style talk as part of CASE’s 10th anniversary celebration in December 2012. To read more posts on CASE’s anniversary celebration, …

The CASE Top 10, a la David Letterman!

10 years. Time sure does fly! Our CASE team still cannot believe that it has been 10 years of social impact and innovation here at Duke! So many great memories and we really enjoyed celebrating them all at our 10 …