Scaling Pathways: Insights from the field on unlocking impact at scale
Investing in the Latin American Emerging Middle Class – Opportunities and Lessons Learned
Demand Dividend and Revenue-based Financing in Latin America: Q&A with Rich Ambrose of Pomona Impact
Facebook & Health: A Match Made in Latin America?
Introducing CASE Scholar Hilary Nichols
Ending Needless Blindness in Mexico
Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF): Sichuan SME Investment Fund (SSIF)
Building the Impact Investing Space in Latin America
The Challenges of Global Health
Elevar Equity: Unitus Equity Fund and Elevar Equity Fund II

By Cathy Clark and Ben Thornley Elevar Equity is a thesis based investor focused on generating outstanding investment returns by delivering essential services to disconnected communities underserved by global networks. We back entrepreneurs who deliver innovative market-based solutions that provide …