Tag Archives: Net Impact Club

Launching Ideas: The Inaugural Social Impact Startup Weekend

Social Impact Startup Weekend

This post was written by Samantha Dina, CASE Fellow and Co-President of the Fuqua Net Impact Club. This post was originally posted on the Duke Daytime MBA Student Blog. When I walked into Duke’s innovation center, “The Bullpen,” to participate …

A Balancing Act: Mission and Money in the Nonprofit Sector

Tim Scales

This post was written by Tim Scales, a second-year MBA candidate with a focus on social impact and entrepreneurship. Prior to Fuqua, he worked in support of the nonprofit arts and culture sector in New York, Massachusetts and North Carolina …

Day in Durham: Spending Time in the Muck

This post was written by Tiffany Hsieh, a 2018 Fuqua MBA and a CASE Scholar. For the past three years, she conducted impact evaluations of education programs at the non-profit, independent research institute SRI International. She previously taught middle school …

Stories: Old, Outdated, Necessary

This post was written by Xander Kent, a third year dual Masters of Environmental Management and Business Administration (MEM/MBA) candidate at Duke’s Nicholas School of Environment and Fuqua School of Business. Xander has helped lead the Net Impact Club and …

SBSI: Exploring Sustainability and Social Impact for 11 Years

SBSI Program

As we’re busy preparing for this year’s Sustainable Business and Social Impact (SBSI) conference on February 24th, it’s hard to believe it has been 11 years since the Fuqua chapter of the Net Impact Club began hosting the conference. In …

Day in Durham: Step One Towards Impactful Stewardship

This post was written by Chris Castro, Fuqua MBA 2017 and a CASE Scholar. After graduating from Loyola Marymount University, Chris was a 5th and 6th grade teacher in Honduras for the nonprofit organization The Farm of the Child. He …

Fuqua Receives Gold Chapter Status Again!

Net Impact has announced the 2012-2013 Gold and Silver standings, awarding Fuqua the prestigious GOLD again! These standings – based on meeting a rigorous set of requirements for activities, programming, and membership reach – identify the most outstanding chapters in …