Driving positive social change through capital, product, or service innovations requires a rigorous approach to Impact Measurement and Management (IMM) to assess progress toward those goals. Social enterprises strive to assess the relationships between their activities and positive impact outputs. Investors need ways to gauge the impact they can generate with their capital. Corporations are increasingly expected to assess and manage their impacts on stakeholders. CASE has spent years articulating the main steps of robust impact management, and developing tools and trainings for leaders in all sectors to build their capability. Find some highlights from CASE’s work on IMM below, or search our knowledge database for more.
Foundations of IMM | Resources for Improving Practice | Interviews with Impact Leaders
Start Here: Foundations of Impact Measurement and Management

5 Dimensions of Impact Explains the foundational standard for defining impacts across five dimensions: What, Who, How Much, Contribution, and Risk.

4 Steps of Impact Management Explains the fundamental and universal steps a company or investor must take to manage impact on people and planet.

The Capital Chain for Sustainable Development Understand how four different types of private sector players fit into a capital chain for sustainable development.

Industry Classifications to Fight “Impact Washing” Cathy Clark of CASE and Ben Thornley of Tideline explain the importance of the ABC classification framework for impact created by the Impact Management Project.

Agents of Impact Call 31: IMM for the SDGs Cathy Clark shares a preview of CASE’s free online course on IMM for the SDGs with the ImpactAlpha community.
Resources for Improving Practice

Free Training
Impact Measurement & Management for the SDGs Free training takes both the enterprise and investor perspective on how to align with emerging standards for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Impact Due Diligence and Management for Asset Allocators Practice guide for adding rigor and consistency to how asset allocators evaluate and manage private market funds
Interviews with Impact Leaders

Lorraine Orr Executive Vice President and COO of Boys & Girls Clubs of America discusses using data to drive mergers and mission.

Best Practices, Challenges and Frameworks for Measuring and Managing Impact Gratitude Railroad hosted a conversation with industry experts, fund managers, and academics to discuss challenges, best practices, and frameworks for IMM.

Impact Masterclass Aspire Impact in India hosted this Impact Masterclass in 2021 with Cathy Clark speaking about goals, impact assessment, stakeholder materiality, and other issues facing organizations striving to achieve impact.
For more podcast episodes and videos, visit the CASE in Point podcast page and our CASE Chats video library.
Looking for more resources on IMM? Search the CASE Knowledge Database for impact management