Can Business Save the Earth? New book co-authored by Fuqua’s Ronnie Chatterji

Aaron Chatterji book

Climate change is bad for business.  But can business innovate fast enough and far enough to help us avoid a climate crisis?  A new book by professors Michael Lenox of the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business and Aaron Chatterji of Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business addresses the roles that business leaders, innovators, […]

New book on sustainability careers from EDGE’s Katie Kross

Profession and Purpose book

A revised and updated second edition of Profession and Purpose: A Resource Guide for MBA Careers in Sustainability by EDGE managing director Katie Kross was released in July 2014 by Greenleaf Publishing.  Katie is a frequent speaker and contributor on the topic of sustainability career trends. The book highlights insights gained from interviews with MBA […]