Having worked as a scientist for a 20-person start-up biotech prior to Fuqua, I was always fascinated by emerging technologies and loved being a part of a small team doing groundbreaking work. It was no surprise then when I saw myself being drawn again to innovation and entrepreneurship. Early on in my first year, I became involved with a Duke spin-off called Grid Therapeutics through the New Venture Fellows Program. Through this program, I was able to bridge my technical background with topics I was learning in class to help Grid devise a clinical and exit strategy for their cancer immunotherapy asset. It offered me hands-on, real-world business experience as I worked directly with the CEO and CBO.
Coming back to Fuqua, I again wanted to get closer to the innovation and entrepreneurship space, but from the side of the investor. Fortunately, I was able to do just that through Fuqua’s mentored study program. I am now interning at Hatteras Venture Partners, a local life science venture capital firm focused on early stage companies. I am working with one of their portfolio companies, a health care staffing technology platform, to develop their growth strategy. I am also helping perform due diligence on deals in the pipeline. It has been a widely rewarding four months and has further ignited my passion for emerging technologies.
Looking ahead in my career, I aim to get back into early stage biotech and eventually transition into venture capital. It is such a fascinating space, and I was lucky enough that Fuqua gave me the opportunity to get a little taste of it.
For those interested in learning more about New Venture Fellows, please visit their website at https://olv.duke.edu/learn-more-new-venture-fellows/