Energy expert Geoff Styles discusses market trends

Geoff Styles, GSW Strategy Group

In this EDGE Chats video, Geoff Styles, energy industry expert and managing director of GSW Strategy Group, LLC, speaks with EDGE executive director Dan Vermeer about the current market dynamics in the energy industry and the implications of falling oil prices for the energy sector. — RELATED ARTICLES Watch more EDGE Chats videos with executives […]

Energy independence: Four decades of rhetoric

David Rokeach

by David Rokeach, MBA ’15 This article was written in response to a seminar given by John McNabb, Vice Chairman of Investment Banking with Duff & Phelps Corporation, in an EDGE Seminar on Sept. 18, 2013 at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. In 1973, President Richard Nixon announced “Project Independence,” an effort to make […]

On extreme energy, risk, and culture

Dan Vermeer

by Dan Vermeer, Executive Director of EDGE One of the more frustrating aspects of working the sustainability field is that every problem is mind-bogglingly complex, and can be framed at multiple levels.  Take, for example, the heated debates and accusations about the causes and consequences of the Macondo well explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. […]

Students weigh oil industry complexities on trip to Houston

students visit oil & gas field

by Brinda Ramaiya, MBA ’11 “I am not the bad guy,” said Randy Little, owner of HM Oil, an independent exploration and production company. It was a cloudy morning in Houston and the Duke University Hydrocarbons Field Trip class was touring one of his private production sites. A proud, tall Texan in his jeans and […]

World Energy Congress: Inertia or transformation?

by Dan Vermeer, executive director, EDGE This week, over 3,500 energy professionals from leading energy-producing and energy-consuming countries have arrived in Montreal for the World Energy Congress.  Sponsored by the World Energy Council, the Congress is held every 3 years to discuss key challenges of the global energy sector. There is no question that powerful […]