Smart Impact Capital – CASE at Duke

Leveraging CASE Smart Impact Capital to Boost Accelerator Programs

April 2020 Logging onto CASE Smart Impact Capital TM for the first time, Priyanka Rao, Principal at FHI Ventures, was impressed. In the months leading up to finding this online toolkit from the Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE), Rao and her team had spent weeks researching, talking with experts and working to […]

Cooking Up Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with the Culinary Femme Collective

December 2019 Good. Black. Food. Those are the three words Piri, a family owned and operated food business in East Durham, uses to describe the southern and Afro diasporic fusion of its menu that includes foods such as spicy lentils, crispy fried chicken and savory mashed potatoes. Taking joy in the fact that each dish […]