by Dan Vermeer, Associate Professor of the Practice and Executive Director, EDGE For most of us, the Arctic is a distant region of ice, polar bears, and scientific expeditions, but rarely a focus of our attention. The extreme conditions and remoteness of the Arctic mean that few of us have any firsthand experience of the […]
It’s an exciting time to work on energy, climate and sustainability issues as an MBA. Here’s a list of where some of our Daytime MBA students are interning in 2023. — RELATED ARTICLES
By Parker White, MF/MBA ’24 This article was written in response to a seminar given by Denise Naguib, Global Vice President of Sustainability and Supplier Diversity at Marriott International, Inc., in an EDGE Seminar at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business in Spring 2023. This article voices one student’s perspective and does not necessarily represent […]
by Thomas Nailen, MBA ’23 This article was written in response to a seminar given by Nick Pearson, Global Head of Energy Policy at Google, in an EDGE Seminar at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business in Fall 2022. This article voices one student’s perspective and does not necessarily represent the views of either Duke […]
Fuqua is well-known for its Energy & Environment (E&E) program offerings. But what does a “typical” student look like? Meet a few of our students and hear about their academic interests, their post-MBA (and MEM/MBA) career plans, and their favorite moments at Fuqua to date! — RELATED ARTICLES:
Circular economy inventions need business model innovation By Vishweshwar Vivek, MBA ’23 This article was written in response to a seminar given by Sandra Sassow, CEO & Co-Founder of SEaB ENERGY, in an EDGE Seminar at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business in Fall 2022. This article voices one student’s perspective and does not necessarily […]
by Dan Vermeer, Associate Professor of the Practice and Executive Director, EDGE Last month, students, staff, and faculty from across the country gathered for the 4th ClimateCAP Summit in Austin, Texas. The ClimateCAP Initiative was launched at Fuqua in 2016 in response to a growing need to help MBA students understand the connections between climate […]
Are you interested in incorporating sustainability into your career? EDGE Managing Director Katie Kross has compiled a slide deck of resources for students and job seekers. The deck includes example career paths, job search strategies, and recommended books, job boards, and industry news sources. While it won’t answer every possible question, the deck can help […]
Fuqua alumni and current students gathered in Boston in July 2022 for a networking reception for professionals interested in climate tech, clean energy, and sustainable business. The event was hosted in partnership with seven other business schools, including Harvard, Yale, MIT, UC-Berkeley, Stanford, Michigan, and Cornell, with the goal of creating new connections between professionals […]
by Dan Vermeer, Associate Professor of the Practice and Executive Director, EDGE I have been thinking a lot about scarcity and abundance recently. Behind the news headlines about our various crises lurks a profound visceral sense of scarcity. People worry about inflation eroding their spending power, or broken supply chains that can’t deliver the goods […]