Fuqua Students Consulting Social Ventures with Consulting Practicums

FCCP 2014

Students from the 2014 FCCP projects in South Africa

Experiential learning is a critical part of our work here at Fuqua. One of the ways we give students the opportunity to delve into the world of social entrepreneurship is through projects in the Fuqua Client Consulting Practicum (FCCP) and the CASE i3 Consulting Practicum. Since 2008 over 520 students have worked on consulting projects for a wide variety of social ventures in fields including healthcare, education, finance, and technology.

This year 83 students will be working with 15 social ventures both in the US and internationally. Projects range from creating an investor pitch strategy to help a company expand to new markets to building a customer acquisition strategy for a web-based company. These projects will allow students to build and expand the skills critical to succeed in today’s business environment by providing them real world experience in market research and analysis, strategy implementation, environmental impact measurement, project management, and more.

This year’s companies for the consulting practicums include the following organizations. If your organization would like to be involved in FCCP or CASE i3 Consulting Practicum next year, you can learn more at the following links:
CASE i3 Consulting Practicum

Admiral Capital Group is a private equity group that invests in operating companies and real estate assets nationwide.

City of Refuge offers comprehensive services (e.g. transitional housing, vocational training) to Atlanta families living on the margin.

FashionABLE is an e-commerce site selling clothing and jewelry made by vulnerable women being paid fair wages.

LifeNet International partners with private clinics to provide ongoing medical and management training to strengthen health systems.

Mercy Corps’ Social Venture Fund provides early-stage financing to create and grow scalable, self-sustaining businesses that improve people’s lives in an enduring way.

NorthStar Alliance uses converted shipping containers to house clinics that deliver health programs to people with increased health risks (like truck drivers and sex workers) and to communities with limited or no access to medical services across Africa.

The Organization for Tropical Studies provides courses abroad, field research and ecotourism to promote responsible use of natural resources in the topics.

Patient Capital Collaborative is an impact-investing fund that focuses the collective expertise of a group of angel investors on the nurturing of early-stage companies purpose-built to create positive social and environmental outcomes.

SAP is a leader in enterprise software with a commitment to hiring 1% of its global workforce from the autism spectrum through its “Autism at Work” program.

SAVA Conservation, Duke Lemur Center serves as an NGO doing capacity building, education and research in Madagascar with a goal of protecting lemurs in their native habitat.

SJF Ventures provides venture financing for and assists companies with innovative ideas in resource efficiency & sustainability and tech-enhanced services.

Sproxil provides consumer SMS and app product verification service to help consumers avoid purchasing counterfeit products.

US National Advisory Board on Impact Investing highlights key areas of focus for US policymakers in order to support the growth of impact investing and to provide counsel to the global policy discussion.

WorkMonger is a start-up social venture applying “online dating” to the social impact job search.