Congratulations Fuqua Net Impact on Gold Chapter for 2015-2016

Fuqua Net Impact has done it again! For the 9th year in a row, they have once again received the prestigious Gold Chapter status from Net Impact.

These standings – based on meeting a rigorous set of requirements for activities, programming, and membership reach – identify the most outstanding chapters in the Net Impact network, which includes over 300 chapters globally.

“Net Impact’s Gold chapters represent the brightest, most committed impact leaders who are making a difference on their campuses and in their communities,” said Net Impact CEO Liz Maw. “These chapters are inspiring and equipping young people to use their careers to lead our world to a more sustainable and equitable future.”

CASE Executive Director Erin Worsham agrees. “We are proud of all the hard work the Net Impact Club does throughout the year to provide opportunities for the Fuqua and Duke community to learn about trends in social impact and sustainability. Our Net Impact Club includes half of Fuqua’s student body and serves as an important part of the school’s mission to build a new generation of leaders tackling the world’s toughest problems.”

Global Health Corps CEO Barbara Bush Speaking at SBSI 2016

Global Health Corps CEO Barbara Bush speaking at SBSI 2016

This past year, Net Impact presidents Libby MacFarlane and Stephanie Brown led the club in a number of inspiring programs. From Day in Durham to SBSI and a variety of workshops and events in between, their programming reached over 800 attendees with the message that we are all capable of being the change we want to see in the world.

We’re looking forward to another fantastic year with this year’s presidents, Lynn Xia and Kylie Johnston. “Lynn and I are incredibly proud to celebrate this Gold Chapter status, which is testament to the work of the 2015-2016 leadership team. The Fuqua Net Impact Club has a legacy of engaging students in social and sustainable impact. The coming year will build upon the strengths of this legacy with an emphasis on expanding the career resources available to students interested in these fields.”

Congratulations to all of the students and alumni that have been a part of Fuqua’s Net Impact community over the years!

Are you an incoming Fuqua MBA student? Be sure to check out Fuqua Net Impact’s upcoming event, Day in Durham, and register here.