3 Articles on Social Impact We’re Loving

Impact Investing Trends of 2019 Include Greater Focus on Gender

Devin Thorpe reached out to 50 thought leaders in the field of impact investing to share insights and observations on trends happening in the space in this article on Forbes.  The trend that resonates most with our team at CASE is the focus on investing in women and minority led-businesses as a means to create a more equitable world.  This year, we launched Getting Gender Smart, an executive education program centered around best practices and strategies for integrating a gender lens into investing practices.


Ten Years of Inclusion: Successes and Mistakes of a Decade of Global Work

Over the past few years, our team at CASE has had the privilege of working with Fundación Capital through our Scaling Pathways project. It is especially exciting for us to see them reflecting on their successes and challenges over the past ten years on the road to scale. If you enjoyed this article, you will enjoy reading the Fundación Capital Scaling SNAPSHOT mini-case study from the Scaling Pathways series.


 The Best Man for the Job Can Be a Woman: Three Ways to Kick-Start  Your Journey to CEO

Emily Bancroft shares the mindset she had to overcome before becoming President of VillageReach. Realizing that she believed the president of the organization needed to be someone who was “better” and could be her mentor, despite that fact that it was clear to everyone she was the next logical person for the role. We enjoyed how Emily fights against this mindset and gender parity in the global health sector.

If you enjoyed this piece from Emily, you will also want to listen to our podcast interview with her discussing government partnerships.