Duke MBAs and impact investing leaders work together in the CASE i3 Consulting Program

CASE i3CP Forward Cities

At CASE, we often get asked how organizations can work with our students.  One option available for those in the impact investing field to take advantage of the expertise and passion of our Duke MBAs is through the CASE i3 Consulting Program (CASE i3CP).

CASE i3CP connects impact investing organizations with a team of 5-7 MBAs to conduct a remote consulting project over the course of the academic year.   The client organization benefits from the extra capacity (a full team of analytical MBA brains!) and outside perspective contributing to their project. Our students gain additional valuable experience by taking their classroom learnings and applying them to real-world challenges.

We are proud that CASE i3CP clients over the past 5+ years give us consistently fantastic feedback on our students.  From last year’s clients we heard:

“Working with this team has been one of my best experiences as a client. I was taken care of at every step by a thoroughly professional team of students who were energetic, curious, and diligent. The final deliverables exceeded my expectations in every way – their scope, depth, quality, and quantity were all outstanding.” -Jonathan Hera, Marigold Capital

“I had a very positive ‘customer experience’ working with the CASE i3 team; the students were professional, efficient, and treated this engagement like a professional consulting engagement with a strong focus on effective project management and ensuring customer satisfaction.” -Chris Jurgens, Omidyar Network

“For organizations looking to get a discrete project done with a diligent and smart team, I highly recommend tapping into this great resource.” -Christopher Gergen, Forward Cities

CASE i3CPWe’re equally proud that CASE i3CP is frequently cited by our students as one of the top reasons they came to Fuqua.  And upon completion of their projects, we often hear that this was one of their most valuable student experiences.  As said by one first-year student upon completing a team project:

“As I was considering business schools, I can remember coming across CASE i3 on the Fuqua website and thinking to myself, this is exactly what I want to do. Fast forward a couple years, I am  even  more  excited  to  explore  opportunities  in  impact  investing,  due  in  no  small  part  to  my overwhelmingly positive CASE i3CP experience. I eagerly look forward to seeing what year two of this journey has in store.”

And a few more reflections from last year’s CASE i3CP students:

“Overall, the CASE i3CP provided a perfect way for me to gain financial knowledge at an accelerated pace and see firsthand the concepts being taught in the Impact Investing course. It also gave me a deeper appreciation for the difficulty of the problems impact investors are seeking to address.“

“I came to Fuqua with the goal of learning more about the social impact investing space; specifically, whether or not I found the work interesting and feasible as a potential career path. My experience with CASE i3 this year has met both of those goals. And even better, I got to be a part of something that I am truly passionate about – gender-based investing. Overall, this was an amazing experience for me, and the CASE i3 program is probably the most impactful experience I have had at Fuqua”

Learn more about the program and apply