Tag Archives: Ella Gudwin

The Implications of Big Money in Impact Investing

The world of impact investing is rapidly changing with the entrance of large, international investing firms. Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, and the list goes on. Driven by their customers, public opinion, private conviction, or a combination, these …

SBSI 18: A Look Back and A Look Forward

In 1998, Greg Dees authored his influential work, “The Meaning of ‘Social Entrepreneurship,’” in which he described social entrepreneurs as, among other things, reformers and revolutionaries with a social mission. Four years later, in 2002, Dees helped co-found CASE at …

The Challenges of Scale and How to Overcome Them

At CASE we are obsessed with a few things – supporting social ventures and impact investors to become more effective at achieving lasting social change, training the next generation of impact leaders through our MBA programs, and trying to answer …