What makes a transformative educational experience?

by Dan Vermeer, Associate Professor of the Practice and Executive Director, EDGE I’ve just returned from leading a new course on “Climate and Sustainability in the Nordic Countries” in Copenhagen, Denmark and in the Norwegian cities of Tromsø and Oslo. The 23 participating graduate students from Fuqua School of Business and Nicholas School of the […]

Exploring sustainability connections in Scandinavia

by Dan Vermeer, Associate Professor of the Practice and Executive Director, EDGE Greetings from Copenhagen!  This month, I am traveling in Denmark and Norway to build EDGE’s network and prepare curriculum for a new course to be offered at Fuqua next year, “Climate and Sustainability in the Nordic Countries.” Scandinavia has established a reputation for its […]

New webinar series: “The Future of Our Oceans”

The Future of Our Oceans webinar series at Duke University

2021 brings a new event series to Duke University exploring the critical role that oceans play in our planetary systems, geopolitics, local communities, culture, and economy. “The Future of Our Oceans” webinar series features Duke researchers and invited experts discussing new research and exploring complex and contested questions about how to balance human demands with […]

“What Every MBA Needs to Know” – Announcing our new content platform

Outside the classroom, business is happening in a complicated world.  Social and environmental issues are bombarding businesses with new risks, costs, and challenges—as well as new investment and innovation opportunities.  What do today’s MBA students need to know to get up to speed?  Our new thought leadership platform—MBA EDGE—features a series of briefing papers specifically […]

The Blue Economy: What every MBA needs to know

New briefing paper highlights the business opportunities inherent in the Blue Economy In coming decades, oceans will play an important role in addressing the world’s biggest challenges, including food security, climate change, and economic development. Together, ocean-related industries—including shipping, ports, fishing, energy, tourism, marine biotechnology, and related industries—contribute over $2.5 trillion to the global economy […]

The next phase of industrialization will happen in our oceans

oceans shipping photo

By Dan Vermeer, Associate Professor of the Practice and Executive Director, EDGE Oceans cover more than 70% of the planet’s surface, hold almost 95% of the world’s biodiversity, and produce over two-thirds of our oxygen.  However, it is less well-known that ocean-related industries are a major part of the global economy; in fact, the ocean […]