Evidence Action Scaling Pathways case study

After a successful RCT and pilot, Evidence Action’s scaling efforts led to decreasing impact. It took a step back to focus on behavior change, right-sizing data collection, and improving infrastructure. https://centers.fuqua.duke.edu/yyyyyyyy/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2020/11/FINAL-Scaling-Pathways-Evidence-Action-Case-Study-5.11.17.pdf Erin Worsham, Robyn Fehrman, Catherine Clark 2017

VisionSpring Scaling Pathways case study

VisionSpring launched — and then shuttered — a retail “hub and spoke” model in Latin America. The scaling experiment led to valuable lessons about knowing when to pivot and preparing to fail. https://centers.fuqua.duke.edu/yyyyyyyy/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2020/11/FINAL-Scaling-Pathways-VisionSpring-Case-Study-5.16.17.pdf Erin Worsham, Robyn Fehrman, Cathy Clark 2017

Pivoting to Impact

What is scaling social impact and why is it so hard? Pivoting to Impact cuts across sectors and geographies to distill critical lessons learned for all social enterprises and funders seeking impact at scale. Pivoting to Impact shares key takeaways about scale: Five common roadblocks to scale are described in this report along with tips […]

Three Lessons for Impact Investing Education Programs

By Cathy Clark and Carrie Gonnella Academic institutions can help build the impact investing field by teaching students a fuller suite of skills, clarifying the range of career paths open to them, and developing a better theoretical and practical knowledge base. https://ssir.org/articles/entry/three_lessons_for_impact_investing_education_programs

White House Roundtable on Impact Investing: Commitment Tracking Report

https://centers.fuqua.duke.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2016/09/NAB-Infographic.pdf I got the call from the White House, in May 2014. “We’re going to have some major new commitments of impact investment capital at the meeting in June. Would you be interested in helping us track how the money is spent?” What do you say to a call like that when you run an […]

Aligning Capital with Mission: Annie E. Casey Foundation

The Annie E. Casey Foundation, a private foundation dedicated to improving the lives of America’s children and families, engaged InSight at Pacific Community Ventures — with research support from CASE at Duke University — to conduct the first comprehensive third-party evaluation of its Social Investment Program, a $125 million allocation from its endowment dedicated to mission […]

Impact Investment Clean Energy and Climate Solutions: 2015 Sector Highlights Report

In June 2015, Duke University’s CASE released the Impact Investment Clean Energy and Climate Solutions 2015 Sector Highlights Report to describe progress on commitments to invest in clean energy and climate solutions made at the June 2014 White House Roundtable on Impact Investing. From the $1.5 billion committed to new impact investments last June, more […]

Impact Investing and Tri-Sector Leadership

This is a recording of a April 2015 live Fuqua Faculty Conversation, Impact Investing and Tri-Sector Leadership, with Cathy Clark, Adjunct Professor and Faculty Director of CASE and CASE i3.

The Impact Investor: Lessons in Leadership and Strategy for Collaborative Capitalism

By Cathy Clark, Jed Emerson and Ben Thornley The Impact Investor: Lessons in Leadership and Strategy for Collaborative Capitalism offers precise details on what, exactly, impact investing entails, embodied in the experiences and best and proven practices of some of the world’s most successful impact investors, across asset classes, geographies and areas of impact. The […]

Fundraising for Global Health Social Enterprises: Lessons from the Field

By Lila Cruikshank, Cathy Clark and Richard Bartlett This report identifies common challenges and emerging best practices for fundraising in the global health field, drawing on interviews with investors and global health social enterprises (GHSEs). The mistakes and recommendations identified here are derived principally from the authors’ work with investors and innovators affiliated with the […]